[Web] Landor Associates
Landor: Strategic Brand Consulting and Design
Landor Associates is a San Francisco-based brand and creative design consultancy. Founded by Walter Landor and his wife Josephine in 1941, Landor pioneered many of the research, design and consulting methodologies that are now standard in the branding industry.
Landor offers brand research and valuation, brand positioning and architecture, naming and nomenclature systems, corporate identity and consumer packaging design, branded environments, copywriting and digital branding.
The company has 24 offices in 16 countries.
Landor's current and past clients include such brands as Alcatel-Lucent, British Airways, Varig and Pepsi.
In 1964, the office of Landor & Associates moved from a home office to a ferryboat named "Klamath" which was permanently moored on San Francisco Bay. The company included a drawing of this vessel in the company's logo for many years.
In 1989, through an aquisition by advertising agency Young & Rubicam, Landor became part of the media service company WPP Group PLC.
In 1994, the Walter Landor/Landor Associates Collection, ca. 1930-1994 (official title) was established at the National Museum of American History. It includes business records and personal papers of Walter Landor, oral histories from an archives project, and Landor portfolio materials (including many original designer notebooks).
[FYP] Branding Agency
To have certain products or services sold in the market a company also needs to have good brand image. Brand image is the most important things that attaches to certain products or services. Most of people buy products because of only one reason, the brand image. They do not really think about the quality or other consideration.
To maintain your product or service brand image is not easy, you will need to have help from branding agency. Branding Agency is a company that will maintain all things related to your brand image. Maintaining your brand image to keep in the good position is not easy, you will do some promotions, and some branding strategies. In determining what branding strategies those are suitable, certain company needs dept research about the condition of the market, doing this research can be just waste of resources if the company does not know well how to conduct a research.
To guarantee all the process of research the company can use the service of branding agency will not just do the promotions but also determining the right branding strategies can be implemented in one company. To determine the right strategies branding agency will also do the research related with market and collaborate the data gotten with the real condition of the company. There are many branding agencies that are offering their services to the public. But from many branding agencies there are only few branding agencies that really do a great job. One branding agency that is quite famous is the Brand Identity Guru. You can find the information on http://www.brandidentityguru.com/.
From Wiki
A branding agency is a type of marketing agency which specialises in creating and launching brands as well as rebranding. Branding agencies create, plan and manage branding strategies, independent from its clients. Branding agencies may also handle advertising and other forms of promotion.
Like advertising agencies, typical branding agency clients come from all sectors including businesses and corporations, non-profit organisations and government agencies. Branding agencies may be hired to produce a brand strategy or, more commonly, a brand identity, which can then be outputted via a branding campaign, which is a type of marketing campaign.
[FYP] What's BRAND?
A brand is a collection of experiences and associations connected with a service, a person or any other entity.
Brands have become increasingly important components of culture and the economy, now being described as "cultural accessories and personal philosophies".
Some people distinguish the psychological aspect of a brand from the experiential aspect. The experiential aspect consists of the sum of all points of contact with the brand and is known as the brand experience. The psychological aspect, sometimes referred to as the brand image, is a symbolic construct created within the minds of people and consists of all the information and expectations associated with a product or service.
People engaged in branding seek to develop or align the expectations behind the brand experience (see also brand promise), creating the impression that a brand associated with a product or service has certain qualities or characteristics that make it special or unique. A brand is therefore one of the most valuable elements in an advertising theme, as it demonstrates what the brand owner is able to offer in the marketplace. The art of creating and maintaining a brand is called brand management.
Careful brand management, supported by a cleverly crafted advertising campaign, can be highly successful in convincing consumers to pay remarkably high prices for products which are inherently extremely cheap to make. This concept, known as creating value, essentially consists of manipulating the projected image of the product so that that the consumer sees the product as being worth the amount that the advertiser wants him/her to see, rather than a more logical valuation that comprises an aggregate of the cost of raw materials, plus the cost of manufacture, plus the cost of distribution. Modern value-creation branding-and-advertising campaigns are highly successful at inducing consumers to pay, for example, 50 dollars for a T-shirt that cost a mere 50 cents to make, or 5 dollars for a box of breakfast cereal that contains a few cents' worth of wheat.
A brand which is widely known in the marketplace acquires brand recognition. When brand recognition builds up to a point where a brand enjoys a critical mass of positive sentiment in the marketplace, it is said to have achieved brand franchise. One goal in brand recognition is the identification of a brand without the name of the company present. For example, Disney has been successful at branding with their particular script font (originally created for Walt Disney's "signature" logo), which it used in the logo for go.com.
Consumers may look on branding as an important value added aspect of products or services, as it often serves to denote a certain attractive quality or characteristic (see also brand promise). From the perspective of brand owners, branded products or services also command higher prices. Where two products resemble each other, but one of the products has no associated branding (such as a generic, store-branded product), people may often select the more expensive branded product on the basis of the quality of the brand or the reputation of the brand owner.
Brand name
The brand name is often used interchangeably within "brand", although it is more correctly used to specifically denote written or spoken linguistic elements of any product. In this context a "brand name" constitutes a type of trademark, if the brand name exclusively identifies the brand owner as the commercial source of products or services. A brand owner may seek to protect proprietary rights in relation to a brand name through trademark registration. Advertising spokespersons have also become part of some brands, for example: Mr. Whipple of Charmin toilet tissue and Tony the Tiger of Kellogg's.
The act of associating a product or service with a brand has become part of pop culture. Most products have some kind of brand identity, from common table salt to designer jeans. A brandnomer is a brand name that has colloquially become a generic term for a product or service, such as Band-Aid or Kleenex, which are often used to describe any kind of adhesive bandage or any kind of facial tissue respectively.
Brand identity
How the brand owner wants the consumer to perceive the brand - and by extension the branded company, organization, product or service. The brand owner will seek to bridge the gap between the brand image and the brand identity Brand identity is fundamental to consumer recognition and symbolizes the brand's differentiation from competitors.
Branding approaches
1_Company name
2_Individual branding
3_Attitude branding
4_"No-brand" branding
5_Derived brands
6_Brand extension
8_Own brands and generics
[Web] tvb.com
I think tvb.com everyone know that.
Recently click into this web, it is totally different as before.
Interface is beautiful and user friendly.
There are so much function then before.
As youtube is very trendy, tvb.com do the video part so as to create their market.
People can also search some past programs in here.
The important part is that...
when we see the programs or videos, there is one advertising or TVC playing.
Everywhere is a chance of advertising!
I love the logo...smart!
Go there and see the web=)
[Ad] DHL: Tunnel box
Advertising Agency: Ogilvy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Art Director: Jan-Willem Smits
Copywriter: Edsard Schutte
Illustrator: Pieter van der Meer
Photographer: Arno Bosma
"The fastest way from Hong Kong."
There are one of the dialogue in the ad.
Using the box to communicate with customers.
We can feel how fast the transfer is. Just is passing a tunnel.
[Campaign] Kipling Hip猴兒Snapshot大賽
Kipling Hip猴兒現已出發,展開世界巡遊!牠的足跡遍佈全球,途上遇見每一個朋友,都不忘問候一下;活潑的步態,喚起全球各地人士的旅行癮頭!現在把牠開心、搞笑、調皮和可愛的樣子攝入鏡頭,然後上載網上,你也可以贏得環遊世界之旅!
現在大家只需在任何Kipling專門店購買滿$1,500,一隻Kipling Hip猴兒將會馬上跟你走,陪你渡過悠長假期或者輕鬆周末,每有開心有趣的場合或背景,就用牠做主角,拍下有趣一刻,然後貼上www.kipling.com,跟全球各地朋友一起分享!
想踏上環遊世界五大目的地之旅,別忘了請朋友投你的作品一票,愈多人在網上對你的作品發表意見,你勝出的機會就愈大! 比賽期間,每月三位遞交最優秀作品的香港參賽者,各可獲Kipling Hip系列手袋一個。馬上行動,帶同Hip猴兒,隨時影,到處走!比賽由2009年3月6日至7月31日。要了解更多,請即瀏覽 www.kipling.com/worldtour
It is an article from yahoo news.
But this campaign is quite interesting.
First let customers to buy the product and then join the competition.
The figure is attractive of buyers.
Not only it can attract some people who love this brand,
but it can let photographer to pay more attention through the photo.
It adequate uses the platform such as website and photo album.
[Ad] Gazzetta dello Sport: The great chef
“When coooking, details make the difference.”
Advertising Agency: McCann Erickson, Milan, Italy
Creative Director: Gaetano Del Pizzo
Art Director: Federico Fanti
Copywriter: Ilaria Agnoli
Illustrator: Adam Hayes
I love there are so many graphics.
Just like the mindmapping.
Colourful ad.
Inside the ad, there are many possible situation when cooking.
This ad gives me some ideas of mindmapping.
Simple pictures but can know what happening.
[Ad] Puma: L.I.F.T
Advertising Agency: Droga5, New York, USA
Art Director: January Vernon
Copywriter: Scott Ginsberg
Director of Print Services: Jennifer Candelario
Creative Chairman: David Droga
Executive Creative Director: Duncan Marshall
Art Buyer: Josette Lata
Photographer: Nadav Kander
Projector: Mihai Badulescu
Retoucher: Robert Lugo, Chris Thomas
Selling the Light Injected Footwear.
Using the special effect-projector to wear their clothes.
The method is so creative.
It uses the "as...as". As light as nothing to wear?!?!
The background also match what they wear. So trendy!
[MTV] 謝安琪--祝英台
作曲:Cousin Fung
編曲:Cousin Fung
This MTV uses many effect and I love the mood and graphics.
Kay is using B/W but other things use colour.
The message of the song is talking about the fairness of male and female.
The characteristic of Chinese element is strong.
The music combines some Jazz and some Chinese instrument element.
Want to try to make MTV but I think it's a little bit hard.
[Ad] More on the importance of cleanliness
[Ad] Eastpak backpacks from Romania
[Article] Scoring individual ideas against common criteria in order to select ideas
Agreed assessment criteria are useful for taking into account the concerns of multiple stakeholders and selecting ideas.
Brainstorm, refine and agree a set of assessment criteria. These need to be structured so that they encourage individual participants to consider the perspectives of other stakeholders when making their assessments.
For example, if you were selecting a product design to take forward into production you might give each of the ideas a score of 1-5 on the criteria of: technical feasibility (the concern of stakeholders in engineering), cost (the concern of finance), passion for the idea (the concern of the project team), portability and size (which might be some of the concerns of the customers).
Score all your ideas against individual criteria before totaling the final score for each idea.
[News] 的士車廂下月播廣告
「Taxi Media Ad」將設在的士前座椅背,港九新界的士司機總會主席邱繼祖指出,設計上考慮安全度,屏幕不會輕易飛脫,亦不可突出,以免乘客不慎碰傷。
【明報專訊】先有油價狂升,再遇金融海嘯,的士行業於困境中覓生路。有的士團體就仿效巴士的Roadshow,在的士前座椅背裝上顯示屏,播放廣告以增加收入,正待運輸署 最後審批,預計4月將有第一批共200輛的士參與。投資者預計,計劃可為車主增加5%至10%收入,有望紓緩的士車費壓力。
新的設計名為「Taxi Media Ad」,投資額約150萬元。投資者之一、港九新界的士司機總會會長邱繼祖表示,試驗車已製成(見圖),未來會以電子硬照的形式播放廣告,播放周期為10多分鐘,每輛的士會循環播放約50個廣告。他已委託廣告公司找客戶,反應不俗。
只播相片 避廣播條例
車主增收入 司機無錢收
他指出,「Taxi Media Ad」收費相對廉宜,一架的士放一個月廣告只收70元,以200架的士、50個廣告計算,一個月的廣告收入為70萬元,「廣告公司分一半,車主分一半,計 落每架的士每月多千元收入。」他承認,車主獲得利潤未必會分給司機,故會鼓勵司機推銷廣告,成功者可以分紅。
Taxi Media Ad... a new more channel...
Everywhere is a chance for advertising.
Although it is a little ad, it is a chance og existing in this commercial world.
It is an opportunity.
In my opinion, similar to the taxi, I think Roadshow from the bus is not good.
I quite hate the advertising in Roadshow.
Everyday plays the same video and the sound is so crowded.
For me, it is a process of brainwashing.=P
[Pdt] ROCKPORT Machine Washable 皮鞋
都市繁忙一族,只著重衣著光鮮,卻不願把時間花費在擦鞋的過程之中,但是污漬和灰塵卻不會由此而對鞋子置之不理,髒鞋成為了種種場合下的負擔。 ROCKPORT全新Machine Washable「可機洗」系列,解決了皮鞋難以打理的問題。獨特的可機洗真皮及其富彈性的結構,讓皮鞋可放入一般洗衣機內清洗,且不會變形損毀,只需按 照簡單程式清洗並天然晾乾,便可時刻享受足下內外均乾淨、舒適的快感。
ROCKPORT「可機洗」系列的輕巧清爽搭配除了對衛生潔淨的實際考慮外,時尚清新的外型固不可少。輕巧柔軟、透氣清爽的 Machine Washable「可機洗」皮鞋,令人感受夏日的閒逸。ROCKPORT 2009春夏「可機洗」眩耀推出「夏日色彩」和「瀟灑揚帆」新品,色彩搭配上引發春夏之熱情,簡潔明快的設計預支春夏之涼爽。別以為男士們的鞋總是千篇一 律的黑色,ROCKPORT Machine Washable「可機洗」系列鞋款用色並不單調,加上革命性「可機洗」材質,由尼龍至真皮,都可放進洗衣機清洗而不易變形,獨特的排水設計讓您感受清爽 舒適,是假日出外享受人生的最佳伴侶。套上一件休閒服或體恤,選擇一件淺色系中褲,再搭配一雙「夏日色彩」或「揚帆系列」ROCKPORT樂步鞋,或徜徉 於沙灘,或揚帆於海上,再或穿梭於大街小巷,每步都如同有海風迎面而來的氣息。
I love the colour of the product and it is useful to wear a pair of shoes.
It reduces time that we can put it into the washing machine.
[Campaign] Yahoo! Search Function
[Article] 12萬人悼念Laughing哥
當很多marketing人在這些年來嘗試投入網上廣告,總是換來叫人氣 餒的反應,大家還是質疑新廣告模式是否適用於香港。海洋公園halloween活動曾經推出過facebook application,參加人數也聲稱超過30萬,但顯然大家也認為這只是網上小玩意,說不上什麼web 2.0 effect。政治議題在網上發酵當然比商業活動容易得多,所以當美國大大小小的評論文章如何吹噓web 2.0總統的年代到了,很多marketing人也不為所動。
但marketing人是時候打醒精神了!因為Laughing哥的出現, 證明了一般追電視劇的普羅大眾都經已投入了web 2.0的生活模式。tvb.com在網上組織了劇集的blog和討論區,已經有很不錯的點擊率,加上facebook悼念活動的聲勢,觸發了傳統媒體的報導。這些報導源自普通市民的自發參與,正是web 2.0年代的標記。而這些報導再觸發大眾在私人網誌上的轉載與評論。無綫不是第一天拍電視劇,但從前總是靠電視台的單向宣傳,及以有限度的市場反應去引導 輿論。但Laughing的出現,卻展現了真正的雙向交流。由配角變主角不再是無綫高層的行政指令,而是觀眾意見的反射。TVB周刊當然不會放過機會,以 「Laughing Forever」作為封面故事。
當新傳播模式從政治走到商營媒體,下一步必定為廣告所用。各位同學上課讀到很多廣告 經典案例,都有劃時代意義。由萬寶路牛仔廣告,到7-Up的repositioning,到香港早期的「兩個就夠晒數」等廣告歌,到90年代黎明的MV式 電訊廣告,到貝沙灣的豪宅包裝,到iPhone的出現,都是打破既有行銷模式的例子。很大程度上,經典廣告對於marketing人沒有什麼啟發可言,因 為跟隨既有的成功模式,最多只會不過不失,卻說不上什麼突破。
正如很多外國評論指出,學術界很期待第一個成功利用web 2.0製造轟動的廣告campaign出現,因為與其閱讀經典,不如體會經典。很多廣告公司和marketing人因budget緊縮而努力「創造奇 蹟」,網上廣告的低成本誘因,正給予蘊釀新一個廣告經典前所未有的大量資源。
剛在facebook收到浸大學生的message,浸會大 學國際學院的傳理學生將於3月26日下午舉行一年一度的AdHere廣告比賽決賽。這個比賽過往得到不少國際機構的支持,包括海洋公園、Puma、 Epson等,今年比賽與日清食品合作,參賽者將以日清旗下的「日清大將撈麵和式風味」為題,設計一個全面的推廣計劃。負責這個活動的同學也運用了 youtube、facebook、blog等channels宣傳。這次活動開放給公眾人士參觀,有興趣的朋友可以留意,http://CIEAdHere.com。
各位即將畢業的web 2.0世代,marketing正要吸收大家的創意與insight。縱然很多公司都裁員減薪,但只要找到機會發揮,這個行業還是需要了解社會脈搏的新血。請各位同學加油!
悼念活動正是web 2.0 精神的體現。
Due to laughing, it is a good chance to think more about advertising.
It is just a small character in a episode but the result is far away from expect.
No doubt that tse is good performance in the episode.
The effect of him is most we need to focus.
Facebook, new in website, even though xanga, youtube...
all the channels are the fastest way to transfer the news.
Promotion is not the company's privilege.
If we know how to use a large mass of people, we can use less budget to do promotion.
Another example is the shampoo ad of Jacky Chan mix with Ponyo.
The quality is not good, but the effect we can see it. At less, more people know that product.
Becoming trend and using suitable channel can help us to do a good advertising.
[News] 巴士推發光廣告逆市開源 6車試行 待運署正式審批
明報記者 古治雄
MOR=)Quite interesting... but I am concerned whether it is environmental friendly. Too light it is suitable in the road. It is a new way to promote advertising in such way. Maybe video format can attract more people. I think...when I travel the bus, can I see the view outside the bus when there are a big advertising on the windows. Want to see that bus but something we need to think about it.
[7days] Summary of questionaire-23 Mar 09 13:15
1_Total: 51
2_Target Audience: 42 of 51
3_Most of them choose pharmacy and family to buy as main place and reason. It can prove that many of them buy tissues at once but less buying one by one.
4_Tempo (32%),Free tissue (19%) and Vinda (16%) are the first three most people using tissue at this brand. Only 6% of people using 7days.
5_62.7% of people know 7days this brand.There are many people know our brand.
6_Paper quality (29.7%) is the most reason this range of people chosen. Price (18.9%) and hygiene (18.3%) are also take consideration when buying tissues.
7_Target audiences' requirments of buying tissues are cheap (23.9%) and 3 layers (16.6%). Some may choose having scent and using specify brand only. Some other reason such as soft and after wet do not broken is also one of the reason.
8_The style of concise (44.3%) is most people likeness of packaging. Having brand name (30.3%) is also an important part of packaging.
As the above result, first, 7days can satify some target audiences' requirment such as reasonable price, good paper quality with 3 layers only and hygiene. All of these part 7days can satify those reason.
Second, as many people know 7days this brand, but many of them choose other brand instead of this. It shows that 7days has its market but need to have a clear image and prove that it is a good tissue to use it.
Third, we also need to focus on the promotion to housewaves as they are buying tissue to the family. It is an important part how target audience get the tissue.
Finally, about the packaging, concise style can be take in the consideration since many of them like this style.
1_My mum tells me 7days is free tissue from buying newspaper so many people know that. Maybe now it is not the free tissue.
2_Later submit the picture version of result.